Kosova Journal of Surgery (KJS), officially with ISSN number

We are very proud to announce that the scientific journal of the Kosova College of Surgeons, Kosova Journal of Surgery, has obtained the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), for both publication formats: print and electronic.
While the official ISSN registration is crucial for the credibility and accessibility of our Journal, this great achievement was made possible through the diligent efforts of our editorial team, under the leading contribution of the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Rifat Latifi.
Moreover, this is a unique achievement at the country level, as our journal is the only scientific journal in the field of medicine (and not only) in Kosova that is already registered in the ISSN.
Moving forward, you will spot this ISSN prominently displayed on our journal’s cover, website, and all our published materials.
This is just the beginning of the journey to take the Kosova Journal of Surgery and with it the surgical scientific publications of our experts to the deserved place at the global level.
The good news from the Kosova College of Surgeons and the Kosova Journal of Surgery won’t stop here!